Area of origin: The area of origin of this milk, the production and maturation of our Pecorino Crotonese PDO, includes the municipalities of the Province of Crotone.
Processing: The Pasteurised milk,inoculated with autochthonous probiotics, has kid rennet paste added to it,the curd then breaks down to the size of a grain of rice. The mass is semi-cooked at 42-44 °C, and the resulting paste is poured into basket moulds for manual pressing; finally the forms are stewed and dipped in whey at 55°C.
Seasoning: Less than 60 days.
Packaging: A single product vacuum packed.
Type of package: Thermoformed polyamide and polythene film suitable for food contact.
Terms of sale: By weight.
Mode of transport: The product is transported in refrigerated vehicles.
Storage conditions: From 0° to+4°C.
How to consume: It can be eaten as it is, in flakes or used as an ingredient in food preparation.
Shelf life: 180 days from date of packaging.
Allergens: Milk. It does not not contain gluten and/or sources of gluten.